Cold Jet

Cold Jet Dry Ice Cleaning for Auto Parts.

Cold Jet: Revolutionizing Automotive Parts Cleaning

Cold Jet leads the automotive industry with its innovative dry ice technologies, notably dry ice blasting. This method simplifies and enhances the automotive parts cleaning process by offering a versatile solution that addresses various challenges.

Dry ice blasting effectively removes contaminants like grease, oil, and oxidation from automotive components without causing damage or altering original features. It preserves serial numbers and markings while ensuring thorough cleaning. Moreover, this non-abrasive and environmentally friendly process eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, promoting a safer and healthier work environment.

By partnering with Elite Recyclers Technologies, Cold Jet provides specialized solutions for automotive recyclers, enabling efficient cleaning of salvaged parts and components.

With its commitment to innovation and sustainability, Cold Jet continues to revolutionize automotive parts cleaning, empowering manufacturers, recyclers, and maintenance professionals worldwide.

Why Dry Ice Cleaning?

Cold Jet dry ice cleaning auto parts bullet points
Discover the Advantages of Partnering with Cold Jet and ERT
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Cold Jet’s collaboration with Elite Recyclers Technologies brings advantages to the automotive recycling sector.

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